As part of the Anniversary of the Suffrage Season, Georgina led a team of over 70 women * non binary people in creating #LDN WMN


LDN WMN was a series of eye-catching public artworks which launched across London in October 2018. The works were created by women and non-binary artists, inspired by unsung women heroes from the city’s history and was delivered in partnership with the GLA and Tate Collective in a participatory process with the families of these women.

See all the artworks here and a ‘making of’ below.

Google Arts & Culture curated a beautiful area on their website to the project, creating an online permanent exhibition of the work and Foyles Gallery in London hosted an exhibition to mark the project, reaching thousands of Londoners & Visitors.

NOE were mid way through curating OUR BEAUTIFUL GAME, a new London-wide outdoor exhibition, celebrating the heart & soul of London's diverse community football scene, just as we hit lockdown in March.

This project would have seen 8 artists recieving their first outdoor commissions at scale and involved a professional steering group and working with 8 high profile sites across London. Damn you, Covid...


For more images of the project CLICK HERE.



October 2018