Georgina has a strong track record of successful bid writing supporting producers & artists in developing their proposal in line with Lets Create or other funder priorities
Georgina is a grant writer with Night Time Economy, has reviewed over 30 new Arts Council bids & DYCP’s as well as delivered successful tenders to The British Council and Greater London Authority. During her time at the GLA, she managed government funded programmes, devised the Pop Up London funding process and assessed for Culture Seeds. She has a good eye for narrative, project design as well as an ability to manage word count.
She has led organisational development & programme design work with Gaggle, Tongue Fu, Punchdrunk, Stratford Arts Trust, Rambert Dance and The Midnight Run. During her time at The Roundhouse, Raindance Film Festival, The Almeida, Barbican Centre and five years working with the GLA Culture Team, Georgina has demonstrated a flair for taking the start of ideas and turning them into new programmes with solid budgets, creative content, timelines and deliverables. She has used Competitor Analysis, Business Canvas, SWOTs, GAANTs and Theory of Change on a regular basis in this work.